Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So, i live in South Carolina. There are some awesome things about living here, the beautiful rolling countryside, the southern hospitatlity. There are some equally appalling things about living here, the bigotry, the open racism, the white trash run rampant.
Here are a few facebook staus copied and pasted for your enjoyment or hopefully, your disgust, unedited:
Sadly, i know these folks.... Well thankfully not since high school.

Jennifer Dellinger Daniels can't wait to start sharing my money with people who are never gonna have jobs!!!
about an hour ago
- Comment

Trish Mason Frasier is moving to Canada (right after she goes and throws up).
17 hours ago

Jennifer Davis knows what the Bible says about the Anti-Christ but is curious to see if Nostradameus predicted anything about our new President?
2 hours ago
Then this one...

Jennifer Davis's friend made a very valid point. Obama is not the anti-christ but IS A percusor the this person. Warriors, start preparing for Armeggedon!!
4 hours ago

Check out how armageddon is spelled! Percursor! you fucking hick.

1 comment:

Aimee Mulligan said...

what about "nostradameus"...WTF???